Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Your wish is THE command

The following account comes from M.R., a faithful - not to mention patient - follower of this oh-so-sporadic blog.

It is a fascinating little story - and to me doubly so, because I have experienced the very same thing.
So have you, perhaps.


A few years ago - maybe three or four - I used to visit a good friend of mine who worked in a six-storey building. He was a good worker, often staying overtime, late into the night. Which is when I visited him, because otherwise he wouldn't have had the time to receive me.

The building had a modern elevator which always ran smoothly and quickly; it was well maintained. There was nobody manning it; the building didn't even have a night porter, as it was shared by many smallish private businesses.

On more than one occasion something funny happened.
As I was walking through the lobby towards the elevator I could see on the indicator (above the elevator door) that the elevator was on the sixth floor, apparently staying still. Then, as I lifted my hand to press the button, I heard the elevator make that characteristic "vroooom" noise it makes when it goes into motion, and it descended directly to the lobby. There was nobody inside. And I hadn't touched the button!

At first I thought maybe somebody had stepped into the elevator and then changed their mind.
But I didn't hear anyone move. (It's difficult to imagine, but even though six floors sounds like a lot, it really wasn't such a tall building, an the staircase was very acoustic, every step could be heard all over the building, especially late in the evening when the building was practically deserted.)

I told this to my friend, half expecting to hear he had sent the elevator my way (because he knew I was coming), but he said no, and that the same thing had happened to him too. He said that he even asked the repairman about it, and the man said it's "impossible" and that the elevator is in very good condition.

The same thing happened to me again maybe four months later. It happened exactly the same way: as I lifted my hand to press the button (but I didn't), I heard the elevator stir, go "clank" and then "vroooom" and start descending. And sure enough there was nobody inside.
And nobody could be heard moving around.

I don't know if this has anything at all to do with "time slips", but I reckon it was something out of the ordinary. It was as if the machinery had received the "command" of my intention or wish to ride in the elevator before I physically pressed the appropriate button.

(I don't remember anything particular about the weather, sorry!)


You said it very well yourself:

It was as if the machinery had received the "command" of my intention or wish to ride in the elevator before I physically pressed the appropriate button.

There is nothing for me to add, because I believe that is exactly what happened.


By means of some electrical impulse, perhaps.
Let's not forget:
everything is basically electricity, patterns of energy interacting with each other. It is a well established fact (yes, much to the chagrin of Amazing Randi and his correligionaires, it is a fact) that telepathy does exist, both among people and between people and animals. Who is to say that a more or less sensitive electricity-driven device could not pick up a pattern emitted by the brain - or mind field (it's a term I happen to prefer ;) - of a human (or even of an animal, for that matter)? Only, in this case it is called telekinesis.

But WHAT exactly was in the "pattern" emitted that stirred the elevator and made it go "clank" and "vroom"? ;)

Was it the mere
It seems unlikely, because it would raise the question, why doesn't it work like that every time? After all, even seemingly "automatic" actions are preceded by thought.

Or was it a specific charge of the
intention at that moment?

I mentioned this had happened to me too (also more than once).
It's a good thing it did because, while I also don't remember the weather or higroscopic conditions and what-not at the time, luckily I do remember something else, and very well:

I was very relaxed - not at all "mindful" - at the time, and I was happy to be going where I was going (to visit my mother). I was in a state of happy but relaxed
anticipation, in my mind already walking through the door, as it were.

And the elevator, it seems, picked up the energy of my intention to get there ASAP - and anticipated my physical command.

In this case my "wish" (= intention) really WAS a command.

And maybe it
always is.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Time portal - take two (or is it twelve?)

This is just an update - or rather, a link to an update - regarding the "time portal" from
this earlier post. It is also the closest I could find to a "summary", in English, of the developments outlined in that post.

But there is more: a
set of digital images depicting what clearly is an oddly "mis-placed" orb.

The author of the images thinks it's plasmic energy.

So do I.
(But then, what do I know?)

What do
you think it is?

Monday, 11 January 2010

Is it ALL a game?

Sorry, no story - or even a musing - today.
But after I saw the
beauty posted on our sister blog yesterday evening, I couldn't resist posting something similar, only more appropriate to the topics discussed here.

It's a web game - one of the best I've seen in a long time.
It engages some of the abilities you need in your daily life to function optimally - and which are absolutely indispensable to would-be researchers of "parallel worlds" researchers.

See for yourself.


And when you're finished, continue below.

(If you can't see it, go

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Time portal found?

I know some of our regular readers have been following a certain thread on ATS discussing the mysteries and possible dimensional anomalies surrounding the area of a legendary mountain, the Untersberg, on the border between Austria and Germany.
(And this, unlike the thread mentioned in the previous post, most certainly does deserve a link.)

The thread is interesting mostly because it is probably the main and most reliable compendium of information and focus of discussion in English.

However, there are a few forums (or fora, whatever, no time for dead languages now) in other languages, notably in German. This one, hosted by a man - a shaman - who calls himself White Eagle, is probably the most relevant one.

And it was here that the
announcement has been made two days ago that
possibly (the font size is no glitch) a "time portal" has been found in the vicinity of Hallthurm.
("Stumbled upon" - by two people from Salzburg, on December 30th - would be perhaps a more fitting expression.)

Picture of the area where the "time portal" - or whatever it is - could be located (taken from here).

It is highly speculative, of course - how could it be anything else?
And nobody is saying it is anything else.

But in the opinion of White Eagle (the author of the original post on the forum) who, being a native, has been researching the area for decades now, that location
could be the site of a "time portal".

Anyway, this thread, for a change, really might be worth following.
There have been all too many anomalies reported about the area through the ages to simply shrug and chalk them up to...
what, exactly?

Unfortunately for all those who cannot read German,
the thread on the German forum is, of course, in German. And we don't have the time to translate it right now.

But I am sure there will be English "summaries" coming up soon. *
Meanwhile, you can learn a lot about the road that led to this possible and highly speculative "discovery" by reading through the thread on ATS (beware, though: it's gigantic!), especially the original posts and, with particular attention, the recent (September-December 2009) posts by a member called BlueOrb (who among other things came up with highly interesting parallels between the nearby buildings constructed for Hitler and the buildings of the Cathars, and seems to be researching the topography of the churches around Untersberg).

Now, if you look at your watch... didn't the time you spent reading this pass unusually quickly? :-)

P.S. As you well know, we edit our posts again and again and again... That's how we are. So, be sure to come back sometime in the future, to check out our afterthoughts.

* Please, see the comment by BlueOrb below this post.

P.P.S. (added on 6. I. 10):

Just a quick note to all those of you who, in your eagerness to find out more - either to escape from the tax people or to "debunk" it - might be composing email upon email, to extort more information from us... Please, have another look at the post.

Did you see the word possibly?

Do you know why it is so big?

Because we couldn't find any BIGGER fonts.

OK? :-)

Hold on to your hats.
We're sure this decade is going to be a fast-speed chase along a very bumpy road in any case... :)

The dangers of conf(abu)lation

I am serving you yet another P.S.
But if you are interested in the "dead
again - alive again" phenomenon (whatever it is), it may be worth the few seconds of your time that it's going to take.

There is another thread discussing "dead celebrities who are now alive" over on ATS. (See the link in the post above, in the section regarding Karen Carpenter. I am not giving it here simply because I think the entire thread, save for two or three messages, is - to be blunt - unworthy of your attention and mine. I mean, seriously: now there are people "explaining" this apparent anomaly as being the consequence of - take a deep breath now... ... - cloning.)

Amidst all the "chaff" there is a single interesting - albeit not the least surprising - indication of what is going on in many, perhaps most, cases:

A person thought s/he had heard that Joanne Woodward, a fantastic actress and wife of the late Paul Newman, had died many years ago - drowned, to be precise.

Another person pointed out that it was Natalie
Wood - wife of Robert Wagner - who drowned, back in 1981, during a yachting trip that included Christopher Walken.

Have you noticed anything particular about the names of the people involved in these two accounts?

That's right: they all start with W, or include this visually very prominent letter.
So, what we have here is a classic case of conflation (which, of course, is NOT the same as confabulation, a far more annoying, and potentially dangerous, phenomenon that only harms the endeavours - and the reputation - of those who are striving to explore
genuine mysteries).

Oh, BTW: you may be glad to read that - amazingly! - the person who thought it was Woodward who had drowned (only to be "alive again" in recent times) conceded that was what happened.
I know I am.

The truth of the world is mysterious enough as it is.
We don't need more "chaff" to confound it.
Intellectual honesty is the way to go... wherever it is that we are going.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Out of mind?

Oh, to be in England - the magic country of wandering houses and wayward hills and flights across time ...

Just as I thought I had read most of the most interesting "time slip" stories taking place in the United Kingdom, I was reminded of another one - of two, actually. (And yet a third one, for good measure.)

It's a story about a vision purportedly witnessed by Dr E. G. Moon, a supposedly "very down-to-earth" Scottish physician, on a certain day in 1935 when he visited one of his patients, the famous Lord Carson, at his home at Cleve Court (Isle of Thanet).

Now, this particular house is said to be haunted.
But what is said to have happened to Dr Moon doesn't appear to be a "haunting" proper.
(And what is a "haunting" - or a "ghost", for that matter - anyway? For a few of my thoughts on the subject, see here.)

I found this story here, and since it is uncommonly well written, I think it would be best to let the author
of the original text speak:

In 1935 Dr EG Moon, a very down-to-earth Scots Physician with a practice in Broadstairs, was at Minster in Thanet visiting his patient, Lord Carson, who lived at Cleve Court, a haunted house referred to elsewhere in the section. After talking to Carson, the doctor left his patient and made his way downstairs into the hallway. His mind was very clearly occupied at the time with the instructions he had given the nurse about the prescription he had left for Carson. At the front door Dr Moon hesitated, wondering whether to go back upstairs to have another word with the nurse.

It was at this point that the doctor noted that his car was no longer where he had left it in the driveway. In fact, it had been parked alongside a thick yew hedge and that, too, was missing. Even the drive down which he had driven from the main road was now nothing but a muddy track, and a man was coming towards him.

The newcomer on the scene, only thirty yards from Dr Moon, was rather oddly dressed wearing an old-fashioned coat with several capes around his shoulders. And he wore a top hat of the kind seen in the previous century. As he walked he smacked a switch against his riding boots. Over his shoulder he carried a long-barrelled gun. He stared hard at Moon. And the doctor registered the fact that the man coming towards him might have looked more at home in the 19th century.

Remarkably, Dr Moon seems not at the time to have been either alarmed or even mildly surprised by the changed scenery, by the quite oddly dressed man approaching his or the fact that his car was missing. What preoccupied him was the thought of Lord Carson's prescription. He simply turned away, without any concern, to go back into the house. But he did quite casually take one more look at the scene he was leaving. And now, as if by magic, the car was back where it had been and the yew hedge too. The drive was no longer a muddy track. And the man had also disappeared, back one assumes to the previous century. And it was only now that Dr Moon realised that something odd, something decidedly odd, had occurred.

All of this took seconds and so there is every reason to understand why Dr Moon did not immediately go out into the driveway to see where his missing car was. For the same reason it is understandable why he did not speak to the man dressed like a farm bailiff of the past. Dr Moon was drawn into some kind of accepting, hallucinatory state. When he came to - for that seems to be the best way of describing his return to his own time - he described to Lady Carson what he thought had occurred. He was anxious, however, that no word of if should come out in his lifetime for fear that his patients would begin to question his judgement. It was only after his death that the story was revealed.**

Now, this is a fascinating story as it is. But it's this little bit what makes it even more interesting, to my eyes:

"Dr Moon was drawn into some kind of accepting, hallucinatory state".

He seems to have been in some sort of trance, an almost hypnotic state, similar (at least I understand it that way) to the state of mind one often encounters in dreams: the weirdest things seem not only somehow "normal", but often we simply know (during the dream only), why they make sense, why they should be so. This, I believe, is the Theta "state of mind" (actually, a brain wave rhythm).

Salvador DalĂ­, The Apparition of the Face of Aphrodite of Cnide in a Landscape (1981)

And, luckily for us, we seem to have another story - from the very same region (and found on the same website) - pointing to the very same phenomenon, whatever it is that induces this strange state of receptiveness.

It is the account of a woman called Charlotte Warburton, who is said to have had a "time slip" on June 18, 1968, on Calverley Road, in the English town of Tunbridge Wells (Kent).

You can read the account here. I shall only point out the similarly unquestioning state of mind that she seems to have experienced - because I believe it is the key to such phenomena.

Was it an external factor, something from outside, what caused these experiences?

A third account - not strictly a "time slip" -, about a girl called Naomi Fuller (read it on the same page as the two accounts above) would seem to suggest that there is something about the area itself that, under certain (as yet undetermined) circumstances, switches a susceptible mind into a Theta-like state, which then makes it possible to perceive usually non-observable realities.

But if that were the case, wouldn't there be many more reports of such experiences? After all, timidity or fear of ridicule can only explain so much.

On the other hand, of course, there places, all over the world, where such experiences (be it "hauntings", "ghosts" or whatever one might call them) are reported quite often. Of couse, it is virtually impossible to establish how many reports are genuine, and from those that are, how many were "fed" by self-suggestion, by expectation.

Anyway, such places deserve - and often get - a thorough
in situ individual investigation. (However, many seem to show unusually high electromagnetic activity. More on that some other time.)

For those who would fancy having a look at the planetary configuration of Mrs Warburton's purported "time slip", I even made an astrological chart. (Not knowing the exact time of the purported sighting, only that it was "morning", I entered 10 a.m.)

(If you find anything interesting in it, do let me know. ;))

Be it as it may, I think there is little doubt that it is the individual's susceptibility that makes such things happen.

But if you think I am politely alluding to so-called "hallucinations", you couldn't be more wrong. Apparently, there
can be shared visions of things normally unseen (this blog is full of such accounts; I would especially recommend reading the entries about Jung, the Andersons and, of course, about the legendary Misses Moberly and Jourdain) - and not all of them can be satisfactorily explained away as either lies or "folie a deux".

So, judging by such accounts, it would be relatively safe to assume that, at certain locations and under certain (undetermined) influences, an external local force (or interplay of forces) is capable of inducing or triggering perception of otherwise unobservable realities
external to the observer - and judging by the accounts of odd or uncharacteristic receptivity accompanying these visions, it would be safe to surmise that the mind is perhaps on a Theta-like "wavelength" at the time of the experience.

More on that on a future occasion.

* Unfortunately, it is not entirely clear who the author of the text(s) is. According to the Credits, it could be either W. H. Johnson or John Haverson (or both).

** I have yet to unearth the original source of this account.